Blog posts

We invite parents to tell their own stories and are happy to consider real-life contributions with a positive, encouraging vibe!

Please contact us if you would like to submit a blog post for publication on this web site.

The pregnancy after….

Nearly five years ago, Rae wrote the birth story for her third child, Gideon. He was very poorly when he was born and spent time in NICU and SCBU. At that time, she didn’t really have any answers and didn’t know what the future might hold. Since then Gideon has been...

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Worrying about the future

Nearly five years ago, Rae wrote the birth story for her third child, Gideon. He was very poorly when he was born and spent time in NICU and SCBU. At that time, she didn’t really have any answers and didn’t know what the future might hold. Since then Gideon has been...

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How to support a friend with a baby in Special Care

Nearly five years ago, Rae wrote the birth story for her third child, Gideon. He was very poorly when he was born and spent time in NICU and SCBU. At that time, she didn’t really have any answers and didn’t know what the future might hold. Since then Gideon has been...

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Dancing in the rain with the cards I’ve been dealt.

There are many expressions and sayings that well-meaning friends and family share with us when our child has additional needs. We never believed for one moment that “God only gives special children to special parents”. Neither were we impressed with “You must be so...

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Parenting priorities

Thanks to Michelle Jones for sending us this amazing poem. I am a parent with ADHD My house runs a little differently. It's full of laughter, love and mess, Come in, I'm trying my best. Just seems full of dishes and clothes And mess - when I got distracted as My boy...

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Six hours

Well, that’s it. The school summer holidays are finally over and everyone is back at school. Many children take this in their stride. Many children are a little anxious but, being keen to see their mates, soon settle into the term time routine. Some children struggle...

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All for the love of my boy

My story started in March 2005 when I gave birth to my son Kyle. I adjusted to parenthood easily having worked with children for over 10 years as a Nursery Nurse and a Teaching Assistant.

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Snippet of my life

I am a Mum of two amazing (often misunderstood) boys. My eldest who is 9 years old is diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum combined with ADHD. My youngest is 8 and is also diagnosed with ADHD. Since becoming a Mum I have learnt so much more about unconditional love than I knew was possible, but I think having boys with additional needs has taught me a little something extra.

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